Check out the new FA UI V.2.4.3

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Welcome to the changelog for the latest updates on our plugin! In this section, you'll find detailed information about the newest features, enhancements, and bug fixes that have been implemented.


FA2.0 – ScrollTrigger Animations

This update introduces ScrollTrigger animations. It is the first ScrollTrigger animation system that does not use GSAP or experimental CSS.

FA2.0. It is now much more flexible and allows you to manipulate animations more freely.

FA2.0 animations are based on CSS and an ultra-lightweight script that weighs less than 1Kb, this ensures that the performance impact is almost zero.

FA2.0 animations also support CSS optimization, the output CSS will have only the animations used in your website.

Advantages of FA2.0:

  • Unlike libraries like GSAP that use a 70kb + 40kb script for the ScrollTrigger module, FA2.0 uses an ultra-lightweight script of less than 1kb.
  • Unlike JS-based animation libraries, FA2.0 does all calculations with CSS and renders before loading the page and not after, further improving load times.
  • FA2.0 does not use experimental CSS like scroll-timeline, this guarantees high browser compatibility.

If you want to see the full potential of FA2.0 you need to watch the tutorials:

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YouTube video

The new FA2.0 animation system. The entrance animations were not replaced by the ScrollTrigger animations, don’t worry.

From V2.0 onwards you will no longer have to deactivate and activate the plugin to load the new animations with each update.


Custom cursor

Custom cursor has arrived at Fancy Animations, this cursor doesn’t use external libraries either, it uses an ultra light script and CSS.

You can enable custom cursor in the plugin settings. It has a lot of options, the most outstanding options are the possibility to invert the colour in sections and to add text inside the cursor.

Fixed bug that cleared page transitions options when saving “animations settings”

Page transitions is no longer activated when the URL contains an image

It is a change to differentiate the animations that will come for FA 2.0.


Cache support for mobile browsers.

Some browsers on mobile devices save the page cache and when you click on the back button it does not reload the JS, this meant that the page transition animation never disappeared.

Page transitions now works with the back button in mobile browsers and safari

Detected bug that affected some users causing Bricks classes to be removed when uninstalling Fancy Animations.


Bug fixes

Fixed some bugs that affected the GoogleSpeed Insights score.


Page transitions

The most important new feature of this update is the page transitions. Other plugins use GSAP, barbara.js or Swup, these libraries will easily add 100kb of JS to your website.

Fancy Animations page transitions use their own native script with Vanilla JS that weighs less than 2kb, and a CSS that weighs less than 1kb. This ensures that it does not affect the loading times of your website unlike other plugins.

You will now find a new sub menu with options for page transitions.

New animations that are compatible with scroll and sliders. You can find them under the name fb-anim–kenburns-*** and fb-anim–kenburns-reverse-***.

This animation has been fixed


Nestable slider support

Animations are now slider compatible, the big new feature is that you can use the same scroll animations, so Fancy Animations doesn’t have to add extra CSS.


Slider support has finally arrived, now you can add animations inside sliders and they will be activated and deactivated depending on the visibility of the slide:

Fixed bug where editor elements were hidden when clicking when the FA button was active.


New features

Some user requests in the roadmap have been implemented.

You now have an option to add the minimum screen size to disable animations.

The color fields now also support variables so you can use the colors of your favorite framework.

Previously the CSS optimized output was by default, the CSS optimized output depends on the WordPress cron and sometimes it took several seconds to generate the file. Now the optimized CSS output is disabled by default and when you finish adding the animations to your website you can enable it.

Sub-menu names changed to be clearer


Bug fixes

If you are one of the users who have problems with automatic updates, please download the updated .zip file from your account and upload it manually.

Some users could not update automatically because their server was not trusted by our security system.

Some users could not activate their license because our security system blocked them.

The latest version of WordPress added a security system that blocked compressed plugins with MAC.


Bug fixes

It was an emergency update to fix some bugs.

Button for web visitors to disable animations, this to comply with the WCAG 2.3.3

In some cases the plugin did not allow to remove it.

Some servers were blacklisted by the firewall security system, which blocked access and caused fatal errors when activating or deactivating the license.

Due to the security system of the firewall, in some cases it did not allow to activate the license.


On hover animations

The biggest change in this version is that on hover animations have arrived and are compatible with on scroll animations.

The on hover animations have arrived, they are activated when you hover the cursor over the element. The classes can be searched with fb-hover–

You can search Fancy Animations classes in the free plugin Yabe Open Source – Bricks Plain Classes:

Now the accessibility tree is visible even if the element is hidden and the animation on scroll is not triggered.

Animations now work much better in Safari, flicker bugs have been fixed and transitions are now displayed smoother.